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Best supplements for cholesterol: The plant-based supplement proven to lower cholesterol

BEST supplements for cholesterol: Having high levels of cholesterol isextremely dangerous as it puts a person at risk of serious medical conditionsincluding heart attack or stroke. Taking a certain supplement, however, could help lower your cholesterol.For a person being diagnosed with high cholesterol, taking medications such asstatins or changing one's diet is likely to be the next steps to managing the condition. The liver makes cholesterol. You can also get it from certain foodsthat contain it but not as much as from foods that contain saturated and transfats. These types of fat cause the liver to produce extra cholesterol andmakes it dangerous to the health. There are foods, and supplements derivedfrom foods, that can help lower a person's cholesterol. What are they? Psyllium is a type of fibre commonly used as a gentle, bulk-forming laxativeBeing a soluble fibre, psyllium is able to pass through the digestive systemwithout being completely broken down or absorbed. Instead, it absorbs waterand becomes a vicious compound that benefits constipation, diarrhoea, bloodsugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight loss. Psyllium is used as adietary supplement and is usually found in the form of husk, granules,capsules or powder. It can also be obtained through fortified breakfastcereals and baked goods. Due to psyllium's resistance to digestion, thesupplement allows proper regulation of high cholesterol, triglycerides andblood sugar levels. Psyllium can be found in various forms and has many healthbenefits. Psyllium also helps relieve constipation and works by increasingstool size due to its bulk-forming laxative. Initially, it works by binding topartially digested food that's passing from the stomach into the smallintestine. It then helps with the absorption of water, which increases thesize and moisture of stools. The end product is bigger and more easilypassable stools. This aids in weight loss which in turn helps lowercholesterol. In one study, 47 healthy participants experienced a 6 percentreduction in LDL 'bad' cholesterol after taking 6g of psyllium each day forsix weeks. For anyone with high cholesterol, taking supplements is highly recommended to help lower levels. It's also advised to pay attention to thesaturated and trans fats on food labels, as well as added sugars. It'srecommended that no more than 10 percent of daily calories should come fromeither saturated fats or added sugars. It is also recommended to replace butter with extra virgin olive oil when cooking, to buy lean cuts of meat and to snack on nuts and seeds instead of french fries or processed snack foods.

Reference : Express.co.uk