Best supplements for libido: Two naturally sourced pills proven to increase sex drive
BEST supplements for raising libido: Have things turned stale in the bedroom? Could you do with raising the bar? Here are four naturally sourced pills proven to help. Link copied For those wanting a natural way to get turned on, research has revealed several natural supplements that can boost libido. What are they? Cited in the National Library of Medicine, researchers from the Department of Gynecology, at a Brazilian hospital, looked into sexual dysfunction. The research team had analysed data from women reporting low sexual pleasure in a 90-day study. Participants were given three tablets containing 250mg of Tribulus terrestrial daily. At the end of the experiment, 88 percent of participants reported an increase in sexual satisfaction. Supporting this finding, researchers from Medical University, in Bulgaria, found similar results. They noted how Tribulus terrestris is part of the plant family Zygophyllaceae, which is supposed to possess "aphrodisiac properties". It does this by mimicking the function of sex hormones. To investigate this further, the research team conducted a systematic review of relative studies. READ MORE: Coronavirus warning - the ‘intense’ rash that could be a sign of COVID-19 They discovered that Tribulus terrestris plays "an important role in treating erectile dysfunction" and problems with "sexual desire". To elaborate, a two-month study documented the change in sexual desire for men who took between 750-1,500mg of the supplements daily. For 79 percent of the men involved in the study, they experienced an increase in sexual desire. Another natural supplement to consider for boosting libido is Maca (Lepidium meyenii). A root vegetable, Maca is available in supplement form and has been shown to help increase sexual desire. Researchers from Peru conducted a 12-week double blind placebo-controlled study. Cited in the National Library of Medicine, the research team investigated how Maca influenced sexual appetite. Men in the study were either given 1,500mg or 3,000mg of Maca, or a placebo pill daily. Participants reported on their sexual desire at weeks four, eight and 12. The results found an improvement in sexual desire was observed from week eight in those who were taking the Maca supplement. However, testosterone levels were not altered in the men who did take the supplement. Further research was implemented from the Division of Clinical Medicine, at Pusan National University, in South Korea. They noted how Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an "Andean plant of the brassica (mustard) family". A clinical review focused on four randomly controlled trials, where two suggested "a significant positive effect of Maca on sexual dysfunction". This effect was seen in both men and women, who had taken the supplement for six weeks.
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